Nlife cycle of housefly pdf files

This housefly life cycle worksheet is suitable for 2nd 4th grade. The head of the housefly contains its two compound eyes as. The housefly musca domestica is the most common of all domestic flies. It produces a large population at a rapid pace due to the large number of egg production and high rate of development. House flies are the most famous of 300 000 species of flies. Help your student learn the names of each stage of the life cycle of a fly with this informative worksheet. With climates ranging from tropical to temperate and environments ranging from rural to urban.

After copulation the female anopheles lays about 40 to 100 and female culex about 150 to 300 eggs after midnight in standing water of some pond, ditch, pool, puddle, lake, well, waterstorage tanks etc. It is believed to have evolved in the cenozoic era, possibly in the middle east, and has spread all over the world as a commensal of humans. A houseflys life cycle is divided into four stages. Adults are gray to black, with four dark, longitudinal lines on the thorax, slightly hairy bodies, and a single pair of membranous wings. The body of housefly is distinguished into head, thorax and abdomen. Learn about house fly eggs, pupae, reproduction, and life cycle stages. Pdf life cycle of house fly, musca domestica researchgate. The house fly, musca domestica linnaeus, is a wellknown cosmopolitan pest of both. Introduction to life cycle analysis matt jamieson, netl lca team month day, year irp contemporary issues technical conference, april 15, 2019.

Structure and life cycle of the housefly with diagram free download as pdf file. Read this article to learn about the structure and life cycle of the housefly. Structure and life cycle of the housefly with diagram pupa. The mature female housefly lays many batches of eggs with 100 to 150 eggs in each batch. During the first stage of its development, the offspring form a digestive system, a nervous system and an outer covering the exoskeleton. Inside youll find some fun learning resources to help you learn more about the life cycle of the monarch butterfly. Once a major nuisance and hazard to public health in cities, houseflies are still a problem wherever decomposing organic waste and. Eggs are laid on decomposing organic matter, either plant or animal. On the average, 12 generations of houseflies can be produced in one year. Be sure to check our site for additional printables as well as a complete monarch butterfly printable set.

Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild. Life cycle of a monarch butterfly homeschool creations. Life cycle assessment lca is the calculation and evaluation of the environmentally relevant inputs and outputs and the potential environmental impacts of the life cycle of a product, material or service. A female lives for about 2 12 months and can lay up to 1,000 eggs in her short life. Lets take a look at the houseflys life cycle to see how easy it is for these pests to multiply. After sharing their ideas, have students work in pairs to research different ways seeds travel. Depending on the temperature, it takes from 6 to 42 days for the egg to develop into the adult. The life cycle consists of the technical system of processes and transport routes used at, or needed for, raw materials extraction, production.

Life cycle of a flowering plant point out that animals sometimes play a role in spreading seeds to other places. Many species of diptera complete their life cycle naturally in animal wastes. Life cycle house flies have a complete life cycle consisting of egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. In new hampshire, house flies overwinter outdoors as pupae in such habitats as manure piles and organic. It is the most common species found on hog and poultry farms, horse stables and ranches. Life cycle assessment department of environmental affairs. House fly life cycle there are three types of domestic flies commonly found around homes and businesses houseflies, bottle or blowflies, and flesh flies. During a warm summer optimal conditions for a housefly the cycle, from fertilized egg to adult, spans a mere seven to 10 days. Structure and life cycle of the housefly with diagram. A female house fly is capable of laying up to 150 eggs in a batch.

At each stage, the houseflys appearance changes completely. The housefly, life cycle and transmission of disease. The life cycle of a fly includes an egg, larva, pupa and adult. However, under suboptimal conditions the life cycle may require up to two months. The common housefly originates out of central asia, but is now found on all inhabited continents. The life cycle of honey bees begins when an egg hatches. Housefly life cycle worksheet for 2nd 4th grade lesson. Housefly life cycle howstuffworks animals howstuffworks.

Human flies are pests because they easily reproduce and transmit numerous diseases. Housefly life cycle the housefly life cycle includes the maggot, pupa and adult stages. Semiochemicals from ovaries of gravid females attract ovipositing female houseflies, musca domestica pdf. The concept that housefly musca domestica can be used to. The complete life cycle of a housefly takes from 10 to 21 days. In warm climatic conditions, house fly completes its life cycle from 23 weeks. Pdf educational material find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. In this housefly life cycle worksheet, students rearrange the stages of the life cycle to be in the correct order. Life cycle of a housefly and a mosquito science projects or science experiments. They can survive in all habitats where people can survive, because they are accustomed to the life near humans. Call the professionals at orkin today to schedule an inspection for problems with house flies or other pests. These stages move from eggs to larvae and pupae to adult.

Over a period of a few days, she will produce five or six batches of eggs. Housefly, musca domestica, a common insect of the family muscidae order diptera. Pupa is hidden in soil or curled leaves for chilli thrips. The perceived weaknesses of the records life cycle concept, particularly electronic records led to the development of the continuum concept it was developed in the 1980s and 1990s to complement the life cycle concept in the continuum concept, there are no phases. Muscidae 2 manure piles or in other protected locations. Most of them have the same life cycle and have an average life span of a month. Out of these 100,000 types of flies, housefly is the most common breed of. House fly eggs are elongated, yellowishwhite ovals about 1 mm. House flies have an incredible ability to reproduce, however, the fly lifespan is typically short.

Houseflies are grey and black with four black stripes on the back. In a year, it may produce 1012 generations in temperate region. The project life cycle the project manager and project team have one shared goal. The housefly musca domestica is a fly of the suborder cyclorrhapha. Every animal goes through different stages of growth throughout its life. Monarch butterfly thanks so much for downloading this file. About 90 percent of all flies occurring in human habitations are houseflies. Because they do not live long, they complete their life cycle quickly. Sustainable production of housefly musca domestica. Concept and practice yosef s sherif university of alabama, usa william j kolarik texas tech university, usa received november 1979.

The housefly life cycle closely mirrors that of most insects. Adult females lay 120150 tiny white eggs, usually in manure or other warm, moist, decaying organic matter. This film uses microphotography and magnification to portray the habits and life history of the common housefly and the. Life cycle of a housefly all animals have their own way of being born, growing, reproducing, and. Warm summer conditions are generally optimum for the development of the house fly, and it can complete its life cycle in as little as seven to ten days. A chickens life cycle 3 stages young and parent resemble a chick is a baby hen or baby cockerel. Flies and their larvae are also an important food source for a large number of predators.

The life cycle of a house fly begins in the egg stage. Houseflies undergo complete metamorphosis which consists of an egg, larva, pupal, and adult stage. Over a period of 34 days, a female will produce five or six batches of eggs, which resemble tiny individual grains of rice. For this reason, and, the fact that the housefly is an efficient and successful insect, it is important for the biologist to make a close study of its life history and habits. Learn about the housefly life cycle and why a housefly must breed like.

They can only be differentiated by their physical attributes, feeding habits or habitats. Life cycle there are four distinct stages in the life of a. People apply various insecticides to eradicate them, but. The houseflys brief life cycle allows them to multiply quickly if left uncontrolled. Over a 3 to 4day period, a female fly lays as many as 500 eggs, with larger females producing more eggs. Life cycle of a housefly, mosquito science projects. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. What are some other ways that seeds might get spread around. A fly completes its life cycle in 1 week to 2 months, depending on environmental conditions. Not only are house flies a nuisance, but they also carry diseasecausing organisms. Large populations in april, 1998, continued as long as the high water caused streams to flow.

The common housefly has a complex body and goes through several stages in its life. Houseflies copulate in summers and rainy season during march to october, but most frequently during august and september. House fly fact sheet 21 unh extension university of new. Simuliidae 2 is variable, depending on the black fly species and water temperature. Housefly pupae contain large amounts of protein and are thus especially beneficial to the various birds, reptiles, and insects that prey on them. A female housefly is capable of laying up to 150 eggs per batch. The head is hemispherical in shape and bears two lateral compound eyes. Housefly simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. You can purchase the entire set here in my teachers notebook. Life cycle of the fly, flies laying egg, eggs hatching. The latin name for the housefly is musca domestica. While some houseflies can live up to two months, their average life expectancy is between 15 and 30 days. Each member of a colony develops, after hatching, as an adult over varying durations.

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